– crackme by rayko – Solution

This are my solution for “ – crackme by rayko” Reversing Challenge.

Challenge source:
Difficult: Easy

In this Challenge the solution are create a KeyGen.

1-) Open the executable with any dissembler. For my own, I use the JetBrains dotPeek.

2-) Find the “Form1”.

3-) Find the “btnCheck_Click” method.

4-) Read the Code.

private void btnCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (Operators.CompareString(Strings.Trim(this.txtSerial.Text), Conversions.ToString(this.Encrypt(Strings.Trim(this.txtName.Text))), false) == 0)
        int num1 = (int)Interaction.MsgBox((object)"You Put In The Right Serial Number", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, (object)null);
        int num2 = (int)Interaction.MsgBox((object)"Try Again", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, (object)null);

As you can see, there’s a comparison between the SerialNumber and the result of “Encrypt” function passing the “Name” value into.

The Encrypt function can be found bellow this code:

private int Encrypt(string Input)
    int num1 = checked(Input.Length - 1);
    int startIndex = 0;
    int num2;
    while (startIndex <= num1)
        char String = Conversions.ToChar(Input.Substring(startIndex));
        num2 = checked((int)Math.Round(unchecked(Conversions.ToDouble(Conversion.Oct(Strings.Asc(Conversions.ToString(num2))) + Conversion.Oct(Strings.Asc(String))) + 666.0)));
        checked { ++startIndex; }
    return num2;

Now, all we need to do is to create a new C# Console Application Project using Visual Studio (In my case, Visual Studio 2019 Community)

5-) Create a new C# Console Application using Visual Studio.

6-) Add “Microsoft.VisualBasic” dependency into your project.

7-) Add the “Encrypt” method and some code to printout the result.

using System;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices;

namespace ConsoleApp4
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
                Encrypt("ANY VALUE")

        static private int Encrypt(string Input)
            int num1 = checked(Input.Length - 1);
            int startIndex = 0;
            int num2 = 0;
            while (startIndex <= num1)
                char String = Conversions.ToChar(Input.Substring(startIndex));
                num2 = checked((int)Math.Round(unchecked(Conversions.ToDouble(Conversion.Oct(Strings.Asc(Conversions.ToString(num2))) + Conversion.Oct(Strings.Asc(String))) + 666.0)));
                checked { ++startIndex; }
            return num2;

😎 Run the Program, get the result and put they into “Serial” field and fill the “Name” field with the value that you put into the C# code (In this case: ANY VALUE).

And Done 😉

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